Post Coitum aka Depois Do Sexo (2004) - The entire plot revolves around the schemes of an ambitious manager’s personal assistant Sabrina (Eva Elsnerová), who feels that the alarm is ringing on her biological clock. She therefore decides to marry her boss, Zikmund (Jiří Langmajer). This sets off an avalanche of events which gradually engulfs all the players in the story, starting with Zikmund’s artless partner, Viola (Beata Greneche) and the pleasure seeking, ageing hippy and photographer, Bakchus (Franco Nero), through to the naive Jarouška (Mira Nosek) and his wife, the barmaid Messalina (Mahulena Bočanová), on to the confused virgin Kristyna (Lucie Vondráčková), the cynical medical student and part-time prostitute – Kleopatra (Sandra Pogodová) and surprisingly the apparently indestructible bohéme and rocker Adam (Richard Krajčo).
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