Signora (2004) - Sarah (Sonia Aquino), a young and beautiful American woman married to Marcello (Urbano Barberini), a rich Roman contractor in charge of the building of Sabaudia, meets Guido (Paolo Seganti), an hydraulics engineer working on the draining of the land in the Pontine Marshes. She falls in love with him and surrenders to her passion.But a few months later Guido suddenly puts an end to their relationship and disappears. Crazy with grief and mad with jealousy, pressed by Vittoria (Angela Finocchiaro), a busybody friend, Sarah hires a private investigator -- one of the firsts in Italy -- to find out if Guido has an affair with another woman.
After investigating, the detective tells Sarah that Guido does not have any other lover but that rather, almost certainly, he left her out of love, in order not to compromise her in his anti-fascist conspiracy. Conspiracy that the detective, as an ex-policeman, has exposed to the authorities who had already arrested the engineer and his accomplices. So, out of jealousy, Sarah hunts for her lover all the way to the prisons of the fascist regime. Now the film begins..
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