Mortal Passions (1989) - The makers of this generic thriller fell into a trap by carelessly updating old film noir formulas for a young audience unfamiliar with the originals: mistaking a convoluted plot for a compelling story, and casting actors who look too young for their roles (and thus resemble children playing dangerous grown-up games). The set-up is incredibly sloppy: a restless Beverly Hills wife plots with her lover to kill her husband, but then conspires with her husband's brother, who kills the lover instead (to save his brother), and buries the corpse (where else?) in his brother's backyard. Kristin Erickson does her best to give the pivotal femme fatale role some depth, but her efforts are wasted on a character stripped by the script of ambiguity far too soon, leaving just another ruthless villainess. An almost upbeat epilogue follows the contrived climax, and Sheila Kelly adds a bright spot with her portrayal of a bubble-headed actress/interior decorator who does Shakespeare in her spare time.
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