Ariella (1980) - In 1980 the times had changed – "Ariella" was the first film to be based on a Cassandra Rios book (A Paran?ica)."Ariella" is a film with a beautiful visual style and photography. The film follows Ariella (Nicole Puzzi),her life and thoughts. She lives with her family but feels herself to be among strangers. Her relation with father, mother and brothers is very strange. The way they treat her... there is something weird about it all. The brothers look at her, there are silences, something almost ominous.. And the brothers girlfriends frequent the house too Is it all her imagination? She wanders in the house, in the gardens, speaks with the others, tries to find some answers. Ariella is very young and beautiful, and she's blooming fast into full womanhood. The shy Ariella becomes gradually more aware of her beauty. And beauty is power. One day she'll discover a horrible secret and this will lead her to a new dangerous road.
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