Dantes Cove (2005) - Kevin Foster is a 17-year-old runaway who arrives in the coastal resort town of Dante’s Cove to get away from his abusive and homophobic parents and live with his lover Toby, who lives in a boarding house, called Hotel Dante, which is rumoured to be haunted. Kevin becomes acquainted with most of the residents of the predominately gay/lesbian community of the town, including Toby’s best friend Van, a lesbian artist researching the town’s history. One evening, Kevin finds a locked room in the basement of the boarding house which leads to a cavern lair. In the lair he finds, and inadvertently frees, a 160-year-old evil sorcerer, named Ambrosius Vallin, imprisoned by his vengeful fiancée Grace, an equally powerful sorceress. Ambrosius plans to make Kevin his lover for all eternity since he is the one who freed him. But Grace has other plans, having kept her eyes on Ambrosius for the last century. She decides not to let Ambrosius get away and return him to his personal dungeon and soon… war is about to break out between two very different evil beings in Dante’s Cove.
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