Boogie Nights - The movie starts with Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds), a director, and Amber Waves (Julianne Moore) entering a club owned by Maurice Rodríguez (Luis Guzmán). Maurice then meets Buck Swope (Don Cheadle) and Reed Rothchild (John C. Reilly). Rollergirl (Heather Graham) then meets Amber and Jack but soon wants to pee. We also see Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg), a waitor, who overlooks but Jack fixes a glare at him as he leaves. Lastly, Little Bill Thomson (William H. Macy) wants to fix a date for shooting a movie but Jack changes the schedule. Jack ignores him and goes to see Eddie. Eddie thinks Jack wants to see him masturbate but misunderstands why Jack wants to see him. We then realise that Jack Horner is a porn film director, who directs “exotic pictures”. Jack wants to talk to him over a drink but Eddie refuses his offer.
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